Temperzone Air Conditioning

When it comes to choosing an air conditioner for your commercial property, or even a large home, we recommend and sell Temperzone air conditioners.


Built in Australia and New Zealand, these units are specifically designed for Australian conditions.


Temperzone Warranty agents in Perth

Allen Air and Refrigeration are the preferred warranty agents in Perth for Temperzone air conditioning service and warranty repairs. We have extensive knowledge of the systems maintained through many years of supporting the products. Considered the experts, we have been contracted to travel from Darwin, to Onslow and even Leinster to fix issues that others cannot diagnose. When you have a Temperzone air conditioner concern, be it a warranty or non-warranty job, Allen Air and Refrigeration are your best bet at a quick turn around for your break down repair.

How do I log a Temperzone warranty call?

  1. Try and go through the dealer who sold you the system
  2. Or log your own warranty call for your Temperzone air conditioner by going to http://warranty.temperzone.com.au

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24/7 Emergency Call Outs

Office Hours:
07:30AM - 05:00 PM Monday - Friday

Want to know more about Temperzone air conditioners? If you feel that a Temperzone would compliment your home or office, Call us now for an obligation free quote

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