Commercial Refrigeration Service

Commercial Refrigeration Service In Perth


Allen Air & Refrigeration is your #1 choice for all your commercial refrigeration service requirements.

Why? Well, we made a commitment to our commercial refrigeration clients to provide the best service we could.


Refrigeration Services And Repairs We Offer

Under Bench Cabinets

commonly found in commercial kitchens, excel in meeting high-performance demands

Make Benches

offers convenient access to food items through its multiple doors and top section food wells

Freezer Rooms

essential equipment in commercial kitchens & industrial settings, serving crucial storage purposes

Cool Rooms

crucial to a successful kitchen, proper installation is key to avoid business setbacks

Beer Chillers

refrigeration units specifically designed to cool and maintain the temperature of beer kegs or bottles

Cake Displays

help to keep the cakes fresh, visually enticing, and easily accessible for customers to make their selection

We asked our clients

“What is the most frustrating thing about a Commercial Fridge break down?”

The resounding feedback was that they can often lose thousands of dollars in stock or can only provide limited service that night.

With so many choices for eating out these days, it is important to give every client the best experience they can have. If you lose a client, it can be hard to get them back.

“So what is the main reason for an untimely breakdown”

Lack of Refrigeration Maintenance !!

If I can offer any advice it would to have your commercial refrigeration serviced at regular intervals. Think about this for a moment. We all get our car serviced when it is due and yet at worst, it is driven perhaps 2 hours a day. Conversely, your cool room is perhaps the most expensive single item in your commercial catering business, requiring the strictest temperature control to prevent food spoilage, uses more power than any other machine in your commercial kitchen, requires the best health standards, runs 24 hrs a day and you say you last serviced it WHEN?

At Allen Air & Refrigeration, we appreciate how frustrating it is to have food going off, so to serve you better as a commercial client, we simply don’t do domestic refrigeration and air conditioning works.

This has allowed us to get to site much quicker than our competition, who so often are a “one man band” and although they have the best intentions just can’t get there as fast as we can with our extra resources. We’ve all seen those grotty refrigeration mechanics at the end of the day. Would you really want one to turn up so late in your food prep area or be walking around your restaurant with their dirty flouro’s on? Chances are he was balancing Domestic air con installations against your “inconvenient” service call.

Our point of difference is that we respect your fridge plant needs to get up and running as fast as possible and will place your refrigeration call ahead of less critical breakdowns if need be.

Our tradesmen all wear traditional “corporate” trades uniforms complete with name embroidery, so you know who you are dealing with. Your staff and customers will feel secure in the knowledge that the company name is there identifying the tradesman in your place of business.

We can help reduce your power costs through good maintenance techniques. We can also retrofit your TX Valve to an Electronic TX Valve that can save you up to 30% of your power costs. If your existing commercial coolroom repairer isn’t offering you this information, is he really investing in your success or does he just want a quick buck from you? The wrong commercial catering repair service tech could be costing you more than you think. In fact, our customers are aware that “cheap hourly rates” certainly aren’t the same as “valuable service”

Commercial Refrigeration Case Studies

Case study #1

Prior to our attendance for an ice machine under warranty, the previous contractor had spent 5 weeks trying to diagnose the problem and the client was losing faith in refrigeration service men. Knowing the inconvenience to our clients when we are working under their feet, we removed the ice machine for testing in our workshop. Promptly we identified that the bin stat was set incorrectly and the machine, thinking it was full of ice, was cycling off even though it was near empty.

Case Study #2

When our client, an apiarist, AKA bee keeper, was expanding his business, he approached us to build him several cool rooms, freezer rooms and even a “warm up” room to soften his honey. This client was very particular and understood the value of good product selection. (after all, his honey is the best too!) as a result we installed the best equipment complete with Fan speed controls and electronic TX valves saving him around 30% in running costs compared to older style cool rooms.

Leading Commercial Refrigeration Company

With clients like Perth Arena and several of Perth’s leading hospitals and many pubs and bars who are already using us for anything from simple refrigeration repairs all the way to industrial refrigeration repairs, you should ask yourself “Why aren’t you? 

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24/7 Emergency Call Outs

Office Hours:
07:30AM - 05:00 PM Monday - Friday

Call Us For Your Refrigeration Service Needs!